Privacy Policy

Welcome to Zisfone. Your privacy is important to us. This page explains how we collect your data, what data is needed from your end, and how it is used while adhering to privacy and protection laws.

As a telecommunications and internet service provider company, we understand that you trust us with almost 80% of your personal information. That’s why we have a major responsibility to take careful and extra measures in protecting all the details that you send our way.

What Information do we collect and How?

The personal information we collect includes:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Address
  • Payment Information
  • Phone number (in case you aren’t using one provided by us)

We collect this information only when you allow us to. Your information is collected when you sign up for our services. We also collect other details, including browsing history, location, and device information.

How do we use your information?

We collect this information only to better communicate with you, process payments, and improve our services by providing each customer a personalized experience.

Sometimes, we also use this information to construct customer personas and analyze usage patterns for service advertising and marketing efforts. However, this does not involve disclosing any personal information but only to reach you better.

Who do we share your information with?

We do not share your information with anyone unless it’s required for a purpose that focuses on your benefit. We may share your information with third-party service providers who help us process payments. We do not share your mobile information with third parties or affiliates for marketing or promotional purposes.

How do we ensure your data security?

We ensure your data security by using industry-approved and standardized security technologies such as Firewalls and Encryption.

Zisfone also does not store your credit card, debit card, Visa Card, or Master Card information when you opt to use any of these for processing online transactions.

Zisfone also gives you the right to access and control your information. You can easily update or delete your information either by contacting us or by changing it directly through our website. You also have the complete right to opt out of marketing communications whenever you want.

Complaint Policy:

Our team is available from 8 Am to 8 Pm (EST) to address any service complaints, ranging from minor to major issues.

To submit a complaint, please visit our “Contact Us” page, in the contact form provide details of the issue you are experiencing.

Do you Have any Questions about our privacy policy? Contact Us now.